Information Addiction

This research project focuses on understanding, defining, measuring, and addressing the phenomenon of information addiction, as it manifests through digital platforms and technological devices. The primary goals of this research are to explore the mechanisms of information addiction and develop strategies for identification, management, and remediation, with detailed objectives as follows:

  • Define Information Addiction: Establish a clear, comprehensive working definition of information addiction. Characterize the psychological and social nature of this addiction and how it influences behavior.
  • Understand the Pathology: Investigate the processes and triggers behind the formation of information addition by drawing parallels with other forms of behavioral addiction such as gaming addiction. Examine how digital platforms and devices contribute to its development and the intensification of addictive behaviors
  • Identify Signs, Timings, and Symptoms: Describe the transition to pathological addictive behavior by identifying key signs, symptoms, and quantifiable measures when applicable that indicate when information addiction is present.
  • Develop Remediation Strategies: Propose methods to manage, control, and address information addiction effectively, including exploring psychological implications, behavioral interventions, and digital platform development and design strategies for mitigating information addiction.
  • Explore Broader Impacts: Consider the implications of information addiction on individuals, communities, and societal structures. Discuss the dynamic ramifications of information addiction.